Providing a home for the gospel in Kew for generations to come.

Helping people say “yes” to Jesus at every stage of their lives.

For nearly 160 years we’ve been part of Highbury Grove. A church built for Kew by the people of Kew, to practice our faith in worship and teaching, but perhaps more importantly to live out our beliefs to our local community: loving, serving and offering respite and refuge for those in need.

God has been growing his church in Kew.

Continuing the story.

As the gospel has gone out, people have been brought into God’s family, receiving forgiveness, purpose and eternal life. People have come to know Jesus. Students and children have responded to the wonder and awe of Jesus. Marriages have been enriched. New friendships have begun. The hungry have been fed. The sick have been cared for. The homeless have found welcome. So many lives have been transformed.

But Jesus is not finished transforming lives and growing His church! We have the incredible opportunity to make a deeper impact for Jesus Christ in our community.

By repairing and developing our church site, people can be more easily connected to a community of christians where the life, love and freedom Jesus offers is proclaimed, demonstrated and shared.

We need your financial support to make it happen.

Building on the legacy of previous generations.

Stewarding what those who have gone before us have begun.

We desire to continue to support people in the faith and build on the faithfulness of previous generations of believers in this location.

Why now?

Kew Baptist finds itself in a growing stage and the buildings need redeveloping for the future. An updated facility will provide a platform from which we can worship as a family while continuing to reach out to support our community. The renovation of the building is to better support this ministry and is not an end in it itself.

Our priorities.

  • 1. A Welcoming Home

    Unhurried overflow space to fellowship and linger.

  • 2. The Next Generation

    Space for our growing children’s ministry to flourish.

  • 3. Multipurpose Venue

    Increased capacity and functionality for community events

Kew Baptist is where our heart is.

Buildings don’t save people, but what happens in them does.

Why do buildings matter?

They serve the mission.

Buildings provide a place where people can hear the gospel and find life in Jesus. Our church needs to be a place for reaching out to those in Kew and connecting them to Jesus. We need a church where people can hear the gospel clearly without distraction. Our buildings should have facilities that are accessible for all people and which remove barriers and obstacles for those seeking to connect to the life, love and freedom of Jesus.

They create a launchpad.

Buildings are needed to train leaders and launch new ministries. Our present building is tired, in need of maintenance and does not create a inviting atmosphere for newcomers. The new foyer and facilities will communicate to our local community that we are open, friendly and with nothing to hide. The community will be able to see the coffee, the food and the people—that church is alive!

They provide a community asset.

Making our building available to our neighbours is a way of loving them and participating in the life of our city. Each week we open our doors to ballet and dance classes, and other community groups. This project will enable us to continue to love our neighbours with facilities that better serve their needs.

They testify about our God.

Architecture speaks. The truth is, how things look and how spaces are designed impact how we feel and interact. When congregations build church buildings, it can be a reflection of our awe and worship of God. We want to honour God’s artistry in the world with the beauty of this renovation because it points to the God we gather to worship each week.

Equal sacrifice, not equal giving.

How will you contribute to this vision?

We desire to raise $2.0-2.5 million to complete this project. It is a lofty goal, one that we believe only the Lord can accomplish. We depend on your generosity to resource our ongoing ministry each year. We understand the trust and sacrifice that this kind of commitment requires, but we are confident that God, in His goodness, will meet all of our needs and align our hearts more closely with His as we share the gifts He has entrusted to us.

In Renew, we are asking you to give in addition to your regular tithes and contributions toward this campaign.


  • The project aims to:

    * Retain all required heritage aspects, ensuring no structural changes to the building.

    * Create safe family spaces and improve light refreshment capabilities.

    * Update unusable back rooms to create refreshed meeting room spaces.

    * Level the floor.

    * Provide modern indoor toilets and facilities with easy access for the congregation.

    * Upgrade any current building issues, such as plumbing and tiling.

    * Minimise costs while building for the future.

    * Ensure disability access and facilities.

  • During the construction phase, the church will continue to operate with minimal disruption. Both services and activities will be relocated to Newnham Hall.

  • The Renew project is designed to create a more welcoming and accessible church environment, removing barriers and making the church more inviting to the local community. It aims to foster a sense of openness and transparency, and to show that the church is alive and active within the community

  • The renovated church and its facilities are intended for a broad audience, including church members, local community groups, and various ministries. The multipurpose hall and other spaces will be available for community events, children's programs, and other activities​.

  • Investing in the building is a strategic move to support and expand our church’s mission and outreach. The project will provide long-term benefits by creating a stable and versatile environment for next-generation ministry and a create welcoming environment for newcomers.

  • Current Timeline:

    • Project development through to May 2025

    • Building permit July 2025

    • Contract award August 2025

    • Construction September 2025 to October 2026

  • In keeping with all heritage requirements, the existing church building will be preserved intact. The proposed street view highlights the addition of a new foyer entrance and walkway while maintaining the historic front features of the church. No demolition of the existing church structure is proposed, with only minor changes to doors and windows at the back of the building.

    Currently, at the rear of the property aligned with the boundary, there is a 1920s external toilet block. This will be replaced with a garden space and relocated rooms. The existing rooms (kitchen and offices) at the back of the church building will be reconfigured to include a new kitchen and indoor toilets.

  • Back in 1970 the Deacons at KBC voted to redevelop the churches toilets and facilities. Unfortunately due to a number of circumstances that did not happen at that time. It’s time now for us to finish what they knew needed doing. 

  • The renovation will enable us to take full advantage of our seating capacity with increased flexibility in how our seating is configured. For large events we will be able to maximise the space, for smaller events we will be able to provide socially friendly and accessible spaces for all types of community gatherings.