Giving with skills.

This is a significant building project in the history of our church. It will require more leaders and volunteers. It will require more members of our family to gladly own and embody the vision. It will require faithful prayer and faithful gospel partners.

We will need all the help we can rally for this project. Fill out the form below to let us know where you can serve in the Renew project. Giving with your time and skills will be an essential part of bringing this renovation into reality.

Giving financially.

Equal sacrifice, not equal giving.

This project will require financial contributitions in all forms. Would you consider giving:

  • a lump sum gift, or

  • a monthly gift over a set period of time, or

  • a loan to the church at nil or reduced interest rate, or

  • a commitment to increased regular giving to support the Renew project

Direct Debit

Account Name: Kew Baptist Church
BSB: 083 166
Account No: 51 544 1921

Cash or Check

Drop cash or checks in the giving boxes around the church, or mail your gift to:

Kew Baptist Church, 10 Highbury Grove, Kew 3101

Stock or Non-Cash Gifts

Speak to us directly if you want to donate stock holdings directly to KBC.